\r\nClick here to view your ECIF requests in OneAsk.To learn more about the status of your request, reference the OneAsk Status decoder.
`;\r\nexport const ECIF_PO_STATUS_MESSAGE=`To view a more detailed status of your PO,click here. Reminder: it’s the requester’s responsibility to ensure that the correct SAFE approvers are in place. For information on how to check and request SAFE approvals, please reference the MS Authorize Guide.
`;\r\nexport const AI_Tile_Telematry = \"AI Service Tile\"\r\nexport const Service_Tile_Telematry =\"Service Tile\"\r\nexport const AI_Telematry_message = \"User click on AI Service Tile\"\r\nexport const NON_AI_Telematry_message =\"User click on Service Tile\"\r\nexport const ai_servie_detail_panel_cancel = \"AI Service Details Panel Cancel\"\r\nexport const non_ai_service_detail_panel_cancel = \"Service Details Panel Cancel\"\r\nexport const ai_service_detail_cancel_message = \"AI User click on Service Details Panel Cancel\"\r\nexport const non_ai_service_detail_cancel_message = \"User click on Service Details Panel Cancel\"\r\nexport const AI_EMPTY_LABEL = \"Currently, there are no AI recommendations tailored to your profile\"\r\nexport const ENABLE_AI_SERVICES_MESSAGE = \"Activating this feature will introduce AI-driven recommendations to the Homepage and catalog page. Note that AI-generated content may not be precise.\"\r\nexport const PREF_EDIT_WARNING = \"The Services already added in My Help Workspace will be affected and reset when you change the preferences.\"\r\nexport const note1 = `Results may vary as the data is sourced from an AI system, which might occasionally provide out-of-scope results.`\r\nexport const note2 = `Ensure that {serviceData} is clearly specified as the source of information within the prompt. This helps guide the assistant accurately.`\r\nexport const note3 = `Mention the output format explicitly, e.g., Service: service1, to ensure the results are structured as expected.`\r\nexport const note4 = `For testing purposes, only the service names will be displayed, without any additional information`\r\nexport const NOT_AI_Authorised =`You do not have the necessary permissions to view this page.`\r\nexport const NOT_AI_AUTHORISED_TWO =`Please contact your administrator for assistance or verify your access rights.`\r\nexport const ERROR_API_AI =`Apologies for the inconvenience. The AI Service is currently unable to process your request.`\r\nexport const RECOMMENDED_CATEGORY = 'Ai-RecommendedServices'\r\nexport const CATALOG_CATEGORY = 'AI-CatalogSearch'\r\nexport const isProfileOld = false\r\nexport const ENABLE_AREATOGGLE_NEWPROFILESETTING = \"The Help & support services in the catalog are personalised to your area and you can see the entire catalog by switching this button\"","import apiService from \"../../errorHandling/appService\";\r\nexport const getHeaderTokenFunc = async (\r\n parentContext: any, usedToken: any\r\n): Promise{intl.formatMessage(messages.pageDescription)}
\r\n \r\n {intl.formatMessage(messages.homePage)}\r\n \r\n{intl.formatMessage(messages.description1)}
\r\n {props.intl.formatMessage(messages.description3)}\r\n
\r\n\r\n UPN: {Upn}\r\n
\r\n\r\n Area: {Area}\r\n
\r\n\r\n Role: {Role}\r\n
\r\n\r\n Segment: {Segment}\r\n
\r\n\r\n Subsegment: {Subsegment}\r\n
\r\n\r\n Response:{\" \"}\r\n {JSON.stringify(apiResponse, null, 2)}\r\n
\r\nYour AI assistant for Image Processing
\r\nYour AI assistant for issue resolution
\r\n\r\n UPN: {Upn}\r\n
\r\n\r\n Area: {Area}\r\n
\r\n\r\n Response:{\" \"}\r\n {JSON.stringify(apiResponse, null, 2)}\r\n